
Mark Yandell UCGD Principal Investigator

Mark Yandell, PhD

Co-Director, UCGD
Professor of Human Genetics
H.A. and Edna Benning Endowed Chair

Every genome is a treasure trove of information about gene function, evolution, and disease. Our computational genomics tools are used to identify disease-causing variants in clinical settings, to understand the molecular basis of gene regulation and dysfunction, to annotate genomes, and to understand evolution.

Gabor Marth UCGD Principal Investigator

Gabor Marth, DSc

Co-Director, UCGD
Professor of Human Genetics

My research group is building a web-based platform for interactive, real-time, analysis of genomic big data over the internet, with applications in genomic medicine and basic research. We also develop algorithms and tools to detect and annotate complex genomic structural variation.

Aaron Quinlan USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Aaron Quinlan, PhD

Associate Director, UCGD
Associate Professor of Human Genetics

We develop and apply new computational methods towards an improved understanding of genetic variation in diverse contexts, with a primary focus on human disease.

Lynn Jorde, PhD

Professor and Chair of Human Genetics
Director, Utah Genome Project

We have been involved in studies of human limb malformations, autism, hypertension, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, and a number of other Mendelian and common, complex diseases.

Karen Eilbeck UCGD

Karen Eilbeck, PhD

Associate Professor of Human Genetics and Biomedical Informatics

Much biological data is semantic in nature; this makes it a difficult substrate for computation. My research interests are centered on organizing biological data in ways that make it more amenable to computation.

Xiaoxu Yang, PhD

Assistant Professor of Human Genetics

My group focuses on genomic mosaicism. We develop the methodologies to detect and quantify genomic mosaicism, as well as models that use genomic mosaicism to understand human genetic health, reproductive implications, and embryonic development.

Research Team

Nodira K. Codell, MPA
UCGD, Director, Research 

Carson Holt, PhD
Director, UCGD Core

Barry Moore
Director of Research and Science, Yandell laboratory

Alistair Ward USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Alistair Ward, PhD
Director of Research and Science, Frameshift Genomics and Marth Laboratory

Xiaomeng Huang USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Xiaomeng Huang, PhD
Director of Research and Science, Marth Laboratory

Thomas Nicholas, PhD
Associate Director of Research and Science, Quinlan Laboratory

Shawn Rynearson
Senior Software Developer, Yandell Laboratory

Steve Boyden, PhD
Director of Research and Science, UCGD Service Recharge Center, Yandell Laboratory

Gordon Lemmon, PhD
Research Associate, Yandell Laboratory

Tonya Di Sera
Senior Web Developer, Marth Laboratory

Chase Miller USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Chase Miller, PhD
Director of Research and Science, Frameshift Genomics and Marth Laboratory

Emerson Lebleu
Sr. Software Developer, Marth Laboratory

Joselin Hernandez, PhD
Research Associate, Yandell Laboratory

Stephanie Georges, M.S
Software Design Engineer, Marth Laboratory

Peter McHale, PhD
Associate Director of Research and Science, Quinlan Laboratory

Marco Marchetti, PhD
Research Associate, Yandell Laboratory

Anders Pitman
Software Design Engineer, Marth Laboratory

Tom Sasani Aaron Quinlan Lab UCGD

Tom Sasani, PhD
Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory 

Jason Kunisaki
MD/PhD Student, Quinlan Laboratory

John Larson
Sr. Software Design Engineer, Yandell Laboratory

Patrick Ozark
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Casey Sederman
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Laurel Hiatt
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Raquel Reisinger
MD/PhD Student, Yandell Laboratory

Hannah Happ
Postdoc Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory

Michael Goldberg, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory

Isabel Serrano
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory

Bennet Peterson
Postdoc Research Associate, Yandell Laboratory

Taeho Kim
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Isabelle Cooperstein
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Joshua Mincer
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Stephanie Gardiner
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Aniruddh Saxena 
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Alexis Garretson
Postdoc Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory

Camila Goclowski
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory


Zev Kronenberg, PhD
Graduate Student, Yandell Laboratory

Michael Campbell, PhD
Graduate Student, Yandell Laboratory

Brett Kennedy, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yandell Laboratory

E.J. Osborne, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yandell Laboratory

Keith Simmon, PhD
Graduate Student, Eilbeck Laboratory

Mandi Li, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yandell Laboratory

Daniel Ence, PhD
Graduate Student, Yandell Laboratory

Qing Li, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yandell Laboratory

Jason Singer, PhD
Research Analyst, Eilbeck and Yandell Laboratories

Ryan Layer, PhD
Senior Developer, Quinlan Laboratory

Edwin Lin
Graduate Student, Yandell Laboratory

Jim Havrilla USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Jim Havrilla
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Preetida Bhetariya, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Marth Laboratory

Aurelie Kapusta, PhD
Research Associate, Yandell Laboratory

Chris Fahim, PhD
Project Lead, Marth Laboratory, UCGD Service Recharge Center

Sepideh Ebadi, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Yandell Laboratory

Brian Lohman, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Quinlan Laboratory

Szabolcs Tarapcsak, PhD
Senior Research Analyst, Marth Laboratory

Dillon Lee
Senior Developer, Marth Laboratory

Will Richards
Associate Software Developer, Marth Laboratory

Michael Cormier
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Alex Henrie
Software Design Engineer, Eilbeck and Yandell Laboratories

Sergiusz Wesolowski, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yandell Laboratory

Amelia Wallace, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Quinlan Laboratory

Mary Anne Karren, PhD
Director, Research and Science, Director, UCGD Core

Alex Henrie
Postdoctoral Fellow, Marth Laboratory

Meenal Gupta, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Quinlan Laboratory

Simone Longo
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Jonathan Belyeu
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory

Steven Flygare, PhD
Senior Developer, IDbyDNA and Yandell Laboratory

Bushra Gorsi, PhD
Programmer/Analyst, UCGD Service Recharge Center

Aditya Ekawade
Web Software Developer, Marth Laboratory

Joe Brown
Biostatistician IV, Quinlan Laboratory

Nikola Williams
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

Matt Velinder USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery

Matt Velinder, PhD
Laboratory Manager, Marth Laboratory

Andrew Farrell, PhD
Director of Research and Science, Marth Laboratory

Hao Hou
Senior Research Analyst, Quinlan Laboratory

Nancy Benson
Administrative Manager, UCGD

Stephanie Kravitz Quinlan Lab UCGD

Stephanie Kravitz, PhD
Graduate Student, Quinlan Laboratory 

Prent Pedersen UCGD

Brent Pedersen, PhD
Research Associate, Quinlan Laboratory

Yi Qiao, PhD
Director of Research and Science, Marth Laboratory

Suchita Lulla
Programmer/Analyst, Quinlan Laboratory

Harriet Dashnow, PhD
Programmer/Analyst, Quinlan Laboratory

Gage Black
Graduate Student, Marth Laboratory

John Chamberlin
Graduate Student, Quinlan and Marth Laboratories

Ryan Heugly
Administrative Manager, UCGD

Yang Qi
Web Software Developer, Marth Lab 


Robert Schlaberg, MD
Assistant Professor, Pathology

Martin Tristani-Firouzi, MD
Professor, Pediatrics

Man Li, PhD
Assistant Professor, Nephrology

Hilary Coon, PhD
Research Professor, Psychiatry

Stephen Guthery, MD
Professor, Pediatrics

Mike Shapiro UCGD

Michael Shapiro, PhD
Associate Professor, Biology

Pradip Bandyopadhyay, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Biology

Pinar Bayrak-Toydemir, MD/PhD
Professor, Pathology

Karl Voelkerding, MD
Professor, Pathology

Rong Mao, MD
Professor, Pathology

Michael Deininger, MD/PhD
Professor, Internal Medicine

Lorenzo Botto, MD
Professor, Pediatrics

H. Joseph Yost, PhD
Professor, Neurobiology and Anatomy

Josh Schiffman, MD
Professor, Pediatrics

Helena Safavi-Hemami, PhD
Research Assistant Professor, Biology

Nels Elde, PhD
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics

Gabrielle Kardon, PhD
Associate Professor, Human Genetics

Anna R. Docherty, PhD, LP
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry

Angie Fagerlin, PhD
Professor and Chair, Population Health Sciences

Robert Silver, MD
Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Karen Gibbins, MD
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Michael Varner, MD
Professor, Pediatrics

Thomas Miller, DO
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics

Nelangi Pinto, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics

Richard Williams, FACC, MD, FAAP
Professor, Pediatrics

Corrine Welt, MD
Professor, Internal Medicine

Deb Neklason, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Oncological Sciences

Marcus G. Pezzolesi, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine

Vikrant Deshmukh, PhD, JD, MS
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nursing
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Population Health Sciences

Joshua Bonkowsky, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurology and Pediatric Neurology

Alana Welm, PhD

Professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences

Samuel Cheshier, MD, PhD

Pediatric Neurosurgery


Join Our Team

Contact Info

  • Nodira K. Codell, MPA
  • Director, Research, UCGD Utah Center for Genetic Discovery
  • Eccles Institute of Human Genetics
  • University of Utah
  • +801 581-7805
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